• How is MFR different from massage or other therapies?

Think of 2000 pounds of pressure per square inch- that’s the pressure that restricted fascia has on your body. With traditional therapy, you may feel better for awhile, but because the collagen layer of the fascial system hasn’t been addressed, the fascia hasn’t been affected at all.

MFR provides long, slow, deep releases. You may feel a burning or tingling sensation as this straight-jacket finally lets go. The tissue will usually continue to release for a few days after each session.

  • How do I know if I have fascial restrictions?

This is actually very simple to figure out. If you are feeling tight, compressed, or restricted, then you have fascial restrictions. That constant or intermittent back or neck pain, that too-often headache, that hip that just never feels right, that “pulled muscle” that’s always coming back… Too often we get used to little (or big) aches and pains, thinking they’re just part of aging,or normal wear and tear. They are not, and you don’t have to live in pain.

Everyone gets fascial restrictions. Traditional therapy doesn’t reach the tough collagen layer of fascia, so results aren’t long lasting. JFB- MFR helps to make structural changes in the fascial system, getting to the source of the restriction, and correcting it.

  • How many sessions will it take?

This is different for each person, and depends totally on the severity of your symptoms. After the initial visit, we’ll have a better idea of how to progress. Typically at least a few sessions are required, but again, every person’s situation is different.

  • What disorders can MFR treat?

This list includes, but is not limited to:

back/neck pain



chronic fatigue syndrome

neurological conditions

orthopedic conditions

multiple sclerosis

chronic headaches/ migraines

pelvic pain

jaw pain (TMJD)

disc problems

myofascial pain syndrome

carpal tunnel

adhesions/ scars


post- cancer related pain


  • Can MFR help with athletic performance?

Absolutely. Postural imbalances can tremendously affect athletic performance, and can eventually cause an injury. Think about running with an uneven pelvis, or swinging a golf club or tennis racquet with a restricted shoulder. You end up working a lot harder to compensate for the restrictions, and alternate musculature is recuited to overcome the deficiencies created by the original restrictions. Over time, the alternate areas become tighter and more injury-prone, creating yet another set of problems with another set of restrictions… not helping at all with your game. MFR helps to release these restrictions, helps to correct posture, and helps to develop physical awareness, thus improving your perfomance.

  • What should I expect on my first visit?

– Please bring or wear gym shorts and sports bra (if indicated), or bathing suit or underwear if you are comfortable that way. (If wearing a bra or swimsuit top, please be sure that opens in the back.)We will need to see what’s going on.

– Please arrive 15 minutes ahead of time to fill out the patient history form, and for discussion and initial assessment.

– Please be very well-hydrated. During treatment, you will benefit from the intake of 12-16 eight oz glasses of water per day.

– Please no lotions or perfumes. Lotions make it difficult to obtain long, slow releases essential to reaching that collagen layer, and perfumes may trigger allergic reactions in other patients.